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LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2025
in Tokyo is scheduled to take place
during the week of October 19.

Highlights of
LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024

LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024 had 126 attendees on the First and Last Days, and 95 participants on the Training Days. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the attendees and sponsors for their cooperation.

About LeSS' Yoaké

LeSS' Yoaké hosts

We have been supporting transformation in Japan through Agile, Scrum, or LeSS. Now, the time has come to share this journey across Asia. LeSS' Yoaké is a platform where countries in Asia with different cultures, values, and challenges come together to share knowledge and experiences for sustainable transformation. Together with sponsors, participants, and partners, let's spread the spirit of LeSS throughout Asia and achieve true corporate transformation.


Craig Larman

AI & HR: Evolving Organizations in an AI World Craig Larman


Craig Larman is the co-creator of LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) with his friend and colleague Bas Vodde. He works as an organizational design consultant, introducing LeSS with executive teams for very large and multisite product development (often, HW-SW systems). He also works with product management for highly complex product definitions, and hands-on as an embedded-systems legacy-code C and C++ TDD coach with feature teams, to keep in touch with the real work and workers.

Although one of the very first LeSS trainers and CSTs, he practices and encourages a focus on doing over teaching.

Craig has served as the lead coach of lean software development adoption at Xerox, and serves or has served as a consultant for LeSS and large-scale agile adoptions at BMW (on the autonomous-driving car LeSS adoption), Ericsson, JP Morgan, Cisco-Tandberg, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Alcatel-Lucent, UBS,, and Nokia Networks and Siemens Networks, among many other clients. Craig has also served as chief scientist at Valtech, with a division in Bengaluru where together they evolved LeSS for agile offshore development.

Craig holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in computer science from beautiful SFU in Vancouver, BC, with research emphasis in artificial intelligence (having very little of his own).

How to adopt LeSS Bas Vodde


Bas Vodde is a coach, programmer, trainer, and author related to modern agile and lean product development. He is the creator of the LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) framework for scaling agile development. He coaches organizations on three levels: organizational, team, individual/technical practices. He has trained thousands of people in software development, Scrum, and modern agile practices for over a decade.

Bas works for Odd-e, a company that supports organizations in improving their product development, mostly in Asia and Europe. Bas currently lives in Amsterdam again, after living in Singapore, China, and Finland. He worked in start-ups and in very traditional environments. This last uncomfortable experience convinced him that agile and lean development is a more human way of developing software products -- no matter how large your development is. He had the opportunity to introduce Agile Development (particularly Scrum) in Nokia Networks (formally NSN) but had to move to Helsinki. There he watched dozens of product groups adopt scrum and other agile practices. The extreme cold in Finland forced him to migrate south and back to China where he focused on one large product group and its Scrum adoption.

Bas is interested in Scrum with a special focus on large companies and large product development. But he also enjoyed working on technical practices, especially test-driven development (particularly in embedded environments) and continuous integration. He keeps working as a developer because he strongly believes you need a well-factored code base if you want to be fast and flexible. His hobbies are studies in lean production and quality management and, of course, programming.

Bas Vodde

Time Table

The structure consists of getting to know LeSS in "First Day", learning and implementing LeSS in "Training Days", and deepening insights into LeSS on the "Last Day".

Oct. 21 First Day

08:00 AM
Venue Open
09:00 AM
Overall Onsite & Online Opening Talk & Breakfast
An opening talk from the organizers will be given while having breakfast.
09:30 AM
Keynote Onsite & Online Opening Keynote
AI & HR: Evolving Organizations in an AI World
Craig Larman
Craig Larman
11:15 AM
Sponsor Onsite & Online The Power of LeSS
What is LeSS? Only those who have actually practiced it can understand its true greatness, simplicity, power, enjoyment, and challenges. In this session, we refer to all of these aspects as the "Power" of LeSS. We will discuss what happens or has happened when LeSS is implemented, sharing our experiences and exploring its immense potential.
Red Hat K.K.
12:30 PM
Overall Onsite & Online Talk Session / Lunch
Before lunch, we will have a talk session by Bastiaan, the CEO of The LeSS Company.
Bastiaan Van Hamersveld Organizer
Bastiaan and Organizer
01:30 PM
Experiment Onsite & Online Knowledge Hub Part.1
This session is aimed at sharing knowledge about Scrum and LeSS.
The agenda will be selected from topics gathered in advance from conference participants.
Kazumasa Ebata
Kazumasa Ebata
02:45 PM
Workshop Onsite Only LeSS' Morning Session
This is a workshop by the LeSS community "LeSS' Morning".
We have the following agenda planned.
  • A Workshop to Understand the Differences Between Feature Teams and Component Teams
  • A Workshop to Learn LeSS Anti-patterns
  • Multi-Team Product Backlog Refinement Workshop
  • Workshop on Various Practices
LeSS' Morning
LeSS' Morning
04:00 PM
Sponsor Onsite & Online Challenge of Introducing LeSS: Lessons from the First Failure and the Obstacles of the Second Attempt
We will share the history of introducing LeSS at Timee, the suspension of its operation, and the insights and obstacles gained from the reattempt, from various perspectives.
Timee, Inc.
Sponsor Onsite & Online LeSS Implementation Struggles in the Organizations of LINE and Yahoo
We will introduce how to address the challenges (process and mindset) encountered during the implementation of LeSS, through case studies from two organizations.
LY Corporation
Sponsor Onsite & Online Introduction of LeSS at Y!mobile: Overcoming a Challenging Journey
We will share practical experiences on how we overcame the challenges of team building, knowledge sharing, and remote work during the introduction of LeSS.
SoftBank Corp.
05:15 PM
Overall Onsite Only Reflection
We will review the content of the conference.
06:00 PM
08:00 PM
Overall Onsite Only Q&A / Dinner
Before dinner, we will have a Q&A session with Craig and Bas.
It is a valuable opportunity to ask questions to both of them.
Craig Larman Bas Vodde Organizer
Craig, Bas, and Organizer

Oct. 22-24 Training Days

09:00 AM
06:00 PM
  • A separate ticket purchase is required for each training session.
Sold out CLP Training
Craig Larman
Craig Larman
Sold out CLP Training (Private)
Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
Sold out CSM® plus CLB Training
Michael James
Michael James
Sold out CSPO® Training
Kazumasa Ebata
Kazumasa Ebata
Sold out CSD® Training
Daiki Kanai
Daiki Kanai

Oct. 25 Last Day

08:00 AM
Venue Open
09:00 AM
Overall Onsite Only Opening Talk & Breakfast
An opening talk from the organizers will be given while having breakfast.
09:30 AM
Open Space Onsite Only Open Space
This is a space where participants can freely propose topics and engage in discussions.
10:45 AM
Sponsor Onsite & Online Path to 'Organizational-Level Agility' Based on the Realities of Corporate Transformation
Regardless of whether we call it Agile or Scrum, organizational-level agility is essential in corporate transformation. In this session, we will explore the path toward achieving organizational agility by sharing the various "realities" we faced while striving for the "ideal" in transformation efforts. By introducing these experiences, we aim to provide valuable insights to those of you who are striving daily to implement agility at the organizational level and help you explore ways to achieve even "better" outcomes.
ABeam Consulting Ltd.
12:00 PM
Overall Onsite & Online LeSS' Yoaké Kaizen / Lunch
Before lunch, we will work on improving the conference.
01:00 PM
Experiment Onsite & Online Knowledge Hub Pt.2
This session is aimed at sharing knowledge about Scrum and LeSS.
The agenda will be selected from topics gathered in advance from conference participants.
Kazumasa Ebata
Kazumasa Ebata
02:15 PM
Keynote Onsite & Online Closing Keynote
How to adopt LeSS
Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
04:00 PM
Overall Onsite Only Q&A / Reflection
After the Q&A session with Craig and Bas, we will conduct a review of the entire conference.
Craig Larman Bas Vodde Organizer
Craig, Bas, and Organizer
05:00 PM
Overall Onsite & Online Closing
Closing remarks from the organizers and a photo session will take place.

Oct. 28 Diamond Sponsor Day

08:00 AM
07:30 PM
Special Special Session
This is a special session by Mr. Craig.
Only Diamond sponsors can participate.
Craig Larman
Craig Larman
  • The timetable reflects information as of October 24, 2024.


1F/2F Otemachi Place East Tower
2-3-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-0004, Japan

Get Tickets

LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024 Early Bird
Early Bird tickets
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024 CLP or CLB
Limited to CLP or CLB holders
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024 Student
Student exclusive
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024 General
General tickets
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké ASIA 2024 Online
Online participation
Sold out

We are using the Tech-kai system for selling conference tickets and training sessions. We will also provide updates on conference ticket and training sales through emails on the Tech-kai platform. For those who wish to receive the latest information, please register as a member of the Tech-kai in advance.

  • If you have previously used the Tech-kai platform, there is no need to register again.


LeSS' Yoaké will host certified training sessions with the aim of providing opportunities to learn and implement LeSS. Having the opportunity to attend training in Japan by Craig and Bas is invaluable. In particular, Craig's training is being held in Japan for the first time, making it an exceptionally rare opportunity. Let's deepen our understanding of LeSS through the training sessions.

Training scenes in Thailand
Training scenes in Thailand
Training scenes in Thailand
Scenes from the training sessions in Thailand

Training Lineup

LeSS' Yoaké CLP by Craig
Oct.22-24 CLP
by Craig
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké CLP by Craig
Oct.29-31 CLP
by Craig
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké CLP (Private) by Bas
Oct.22-24 CLP (Private)
by Bas
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké CSM® plus CLB by MJ
Oct.22-24 CSM® plus CLB
by MJ
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké CSPO® by Ebacky
Oct.22-24 CSPO®
by Ebacky
Sold out
LeSS' Yoaké CSD® by Kanai
Oct.22-24 CSD®
by Kanai
Sold out


Kazumasa Ebata

When I first established the Scrum community in Japan, there were hardly any environments for learning Scrum. Since then, the learning environment for Scrum has greatly improved within Japan, and numerous case studies have emerged. I have been observing this progress and providing support to the best of my ability.

However, for true implementation of Scrum, it is essential to introduce it not only at the project level but throughout the entire organization. Unfortunately, merely learning Scrum is insufficient for learning and improvement. Moreover, it is problematic that there has been an increase in cases where Scrum is introduced without learning organizational models, disrupting Scrum by assuming the current organizational structure. It is a very regrettable situation.

I was aware of this issue but neglected it. This was because I used to be skeptical about scaling frameworks. The reason for this skepticism was that many frameworks merely focus on "how to do it" without addressing fundamental principles.

So why did I choose LeSS and decide to learn it together? It's because through many conversations with Craig Larman and what I learned in his classes, I understood that the fundamental idea of LeSS is not about scaling but about applying the principles of Scrum throughout the entire organization. This is a very important value.

Because I cherish this value, I decided to convey it in Japan and Asia, and I wanted to learn together with my Japanese and Asian colleagues. That's why I decided to establish a community and conference.

Representative Director Kazumasa Ebata

Supported by
The LeSS Company B.V.

The LeSS Company B.V.

Join LeSS' Morning

The activities of LeSS' Morning

LeSS' Morning is a community aimed at supporting learning and networking for Scrum and LeSS practitioners. Led by Kazumasa Ebata and others from Odd-e Japan, the community started its activities in October 2023. Would you like to join LeSS' Morning and learn about LeSS and Scrum with us?

About the Organizer

LeSS' Yoaké is operated by the General Incorporated Association LeSS Company Japan, which is an authorized organization of The LeSS Company B.V.
